Friday, September 29, 2017

Welcome! September help

Welcome to my Calc BC blog! If you need help with any homework or classwork problems, or would like additional explanation for a concept we've covered in class, please email me! I'll write back to you, and I'll post similar explanations / support / help here on the blog for everyone to read.

(Don't worry, I'll never post your name or any other identifying information. I just think that all your questions deserve answers that can benefit everyone in our class!)

Let's do some math!

Remember, my Google Drive folder contains copies of worksheets and ANSWERS (on the last page of each file). CLICK HERE TO ACCESS.

If for some reason you'd like to refer back to last year's blog, here is the link:
AP Calculus AB blog

General Help

"I always forget which is which when taking the derivatives or integrals of sin x and cos x."

I always think it as a derivative:

The derivative of y = sin x is y’ = cos x.

The derivative of y = cos x is y’ = -sin x.

Basically, just remember that the +/- sign stays the same if you’re finding the derivative of sin x, and the +/- sign changes if you’re finding the derivative of cos x. The same goes for anti-derivatives (integrals)! Whenever I’m trying to figure out an integral, I always think to myself, “What could I have taken the derivative of to end up with this as an answer?"

So, the answer to each integral is:

Int. sin(x) = -cos x + c
Int. cos(x) = sin x + c
Int. -sin(x) = cos x + c
Int. -cos(x) = -sin x + c